
Политика конфиденциальности

In order to use some of the functions available at our webpage you may have to register, for – as the saying goes – the more you tell us about yourself, the better service we can provide to you.
In the process of registration you will be asked to state your first name, last name (surname), name of the company you run or represent, phone number and e-mail address.
While you are visiting our site certain information, including your IP address, domain name, type of browser or type of operating system, will be collected by Google Analytics.
All the data as provided for above are instrumental to ensure the best possible conditions to communicate with you, provide you with services offered by VECTOR on our webpage (e.g. answers to your questions, newsletters) and relentlessly and incessantly improve VECTOR webpage content.

We would like to assure you that no personal data of yours will be diffused or divulged to any third person, except where competent authorities (e.g. Inspector General for Personal Data Protection) or court so demands under the rule of applicable law.
We would like to stress that VECTOR processes your personal data only for such purposes as communicated at the time of their collection and for no other. VECTOR controls its collection, storage and processing procedures in order to ensure that only such data as may be necessary to provide and improve VECTOR services are in fact collected, stored and processed.
We would like you to know that VECTOR is totally dependant on you when it comes to updates or modifications of your personal data. Therefore VECTOR gives you efficient tools to edit your profile and demand modification or deletion of your personal data, except where provisions of applicable law or legally recognized purposes of our company challenge such a demand. Your personal data will get deleted as soon as you have sent an e-mail entitled “unsubscribe” at the following address: [email protected]. Unsubscribing entails complete removal of your data.

Our site may use cookies. However, cookies’ content does not allow for user identification. Said cookies are of no use to and will not be employed to process or store your personal data. VECTOR stores cookies on your computer in particular for the following purposes:

  • To maintain user session (after log-in), whereby you do not need to retype user name and login when browsing;
  • To tailor our webpage to your unique needs;
  • To establish viewing figures for information of our content and advertisement partners.

This Privacy Policy covers exclusively the services as provided by VECTOR. We do not claim control over or assume responsibility for hyperlinks and contents thus approached that may exist on our webpage.

VECTOR reserves the right to alter this Privacy Policy through publishing of a new version thereof.
